Wednesday, 28 October 2009

The letter i'll never send...

Dear ........................,
I let you into my life because for a short while i had myself convinced that i needed you in it, I had myself believe that you were the little bit that i had always felt was missing, you were the one person i truly believed i could show myself to. I never wanted to want you, i couldnt help it, you see back then, in my eyes you were amazing, everything i wanted to be, everything i wanted, the one person i wanted to be able to tell people about and have them feel just that little bit of jealousy. You came into my life because i let you, if i knew what i knew now i would have walked away and pretended like you never exsisted. If i had known at the time i met you that you were going to hurt me like this, without you even realising you are doing it, if i had known at the time that you are so far from what you appear to be i would have agreed with the others when they told me you were a dickhead and we quite obvioulsy going to mess my life up. If i knew that you were going to turn into the selfish, self-centered, self-orientated, arrogant little greased up weasel you are i would have laughed in your face and pissed on your shoes. But sadly, No, I didn't know all this then. I thought you were the best thing since sliced bread... and lets be honest theres nothing amazing about sliced bread so with hindsight you arent actually anything special. You like to think you are, oh yes you do, you like to think that you are gods gift, you like to think that anything i can do you can do better, you like to think that its your way or no way. You like to think you are a jack of all trades when lets be honest you are master of sweet F.A. I realise now that there is no place for you in my life, and by writing this letter i feel so much better even if i do appear to be a bitch. Well guess what you never really knew me either...
I hope that you have a happy life, its all you have going for you. You have the looks and personality of a frying pan, and even thats a little harsh on the frying pan. Carry on attempting to impress people, one day, just the once, you might do it but then i can garauntee your lazy arse and dont give a damn attitude will come back to bite your arse in true karma fashion and you will fall flat on your face... That will be the day i truly know getting out of this now is the best thing i will have ever done and i will laugh heartily and out loud. In your face.
By the way, its not true love, it never will be and while we are on the subject i totally dont accept it and never will.
Thanks for messing with my head, its what i really let you in my life to do... Not.

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