Sunday 4 April 2010

A new beginning...

i wasn't bought up to be particularly religous, went to church on those special know the ones everyone gets dragged to..Weddings, death, births, christmas, easter, the one in october that no-one ever knows about but everyone seems to go to... yea well all of them. I used to believe in god, i used to worship him, i used to think that everything i had ever heard or read about Jesus was true... Then things happened. I lost people, i saw suffering, i saw destruction, i felt pain and loneliness, i felt suffering, i felt loss and i lost my belief. Well i thought i lost them... In fact what i did was bury them, bury them deep, unaware that you can kill the truth, put it in a grave and walk away but you can never stop it rising again.
Sunday 21st March 2010.. the day my beliefs were resurected. I went into a church, dubious and slightly scared if the truth be told to watch my friend get baptised. Throughout the service i started to feel things again, i started to feel loved and like i belonged. I had found christianity again. Now im not saying that im 100% born again christian, thats never going to happen and truth be told its probably far too late for that anyway but i have found something to give my life guidance, somewhere to turn and someone to love.
This is possibly the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. :)